Unable to Load Shared Library 'libaspose.slides.drawing.capi_x86_64_libstdcpp_libc2.23' or One of Its Dependencies

I use the following tools:
Aspose.Slides.NET6.CrossPlatform 24.2
System.Drawing.Common 7.0
Now I see the following error:

Unable to load shared library ‘libaspose.slides.drawing.capi_x86_64_libstdcpp_libc2.23’ or one of its dependencies. In order to help diagnose loading problems, consider setting the LD_DEBUG environment variable: liblibaspose.slides.drawing.capi_x86_64_libstdcpp_libc2.23: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

I found the libaspose.slides.drawing.capi_x86_64_libstdcpp_libc2.23 file inside Aspose.Slides.Net package and copied it into working directory - and then the error dissapeared. However, i don’t want to copy such huge dll into our git repo. How to fix that without copying this file?

Thank you for posting the question.

Instead of using the Aspose.Slides.NET6.CrossPlatform library, you can try using Aspose.Slides for .NET Standard 2.1. This target version is included in Aspose.Slides for .NET.

@andrey.potapov we use ubuntu as our server environment. So I can’t use the latest version of Aspose.Slides for .Net because it’s windows-related, right? So i should use Aspose.Slides.NET6.CrossPlatform, right? So how I can use it without copying libaspose.slides.drawing.capi_x86_64_libstdcpp_libc2.23 file?

Unfortunately, the cross-platform version of Aspose.Slides for .NET 6 depends on the libaspose.slides.drawing.capi_x86_64_libstdcpp_libc2.23 file, and I cannot suggest you a workaround to avoid copying it. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

@andrey.potapov ok, that’s sad. Do you have a plan about adding this lib to the Aspose.Slides.NET6.CrossPlatform package maybe? As a part of nuget package I mean. The same way as it works for Aspose.Slides for .Net but for linux environment without copying anything manually?

We have opened the following new ticket(s) in our internal issue tracking system and will consider your questions according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.

Issue ID(s): SLIDESNET-44482

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Our developers have reviewed your questions. This native dependency is already a part of the NuGet Aspose.Slides.NET6.CrossPlatform package. And it is not required to copy it in the repo, because it will be restored automatically (and copied to the output directory).

We can help you with some specific solution examples if you provide them (it seems to be a configuration error).