Unable to load shared library 'libSkiaSharp' in using aspose-cells-python via .net

My OS System is MacOS12 , python version is 3.11, installed the aspose-cells-python 23.8 by pip. In python script, I just open an xlsx file with Workbook function, then save it in PDF type. However, the error “Unable to load shared library ‘libSkiaSharp’” show on when I run it.
Should I install other things?

Please run the following command to check if libSkiaSharp exists on your computer

cd /
find . -print | grep libSkiaSharp

If it doesn’t exist, you can install it via NuGet:

nuget install SkiaSharp -Version 2.88.3

If you find this process cumbersome, you can also unzip libSkia.7z (4.8 MB)
and then copy it to the /usr/local/lib directory.
Hope this helps a bit.

It work! This slove should write in the office docs!

Perfectly correct, we will immediately improve the documentation and deeply apologize for any inconvenience it may have caused you.