Unable to read default shape background color


I am unable to read default shape background colour from PPT file.
If I make any new PPT and add just one shape say rectangle into it and don’t update any background colour, then I am getting NOT DEFINED as fill type.

But as soon as update the background colour,I’ll get the correct fill type.

Following is the code which we are using for reading background :-

public BackgroundStyle ReadBackground(AutoShape shape)
var fillType = BackgroundFillType.Solid;
fillType = (BackgroundFillType)Enum.Parse(typeof (BackgroundFillType), shape.FillFormat.FillType.ToString());
catch (Exception ex)
fillType = BackgroundFillType.NotDefined;
if (fillType == BackgroundFillType.Solid)
return GetSolidBackgroundStyle(shape.CreateFillFormatEffective());
if (fillType == BackgroundFillType.Gradient)
return GetGradientBackgroundStyle(shape.CreateFillFormatEffective());
if (fillType == BackgroundFillType.Picture)
return GetImageBackgroundStyle(shape.CreateFillFormatEffective());
if (fillType == BackgroundFillType.Pattern)
return GetPatternBackgroundStyle(shape.CreateFillFormatEffective());
return new SolidBackgroundStyle
Color = new Color
Value = Color.FromColor(System.Drawing.Color.Transparent).Value
FillType = BackgroundFillType.Solid

I am also attaching a sample file so that you can also check it.

Ankit Grover

Hi Ankit Grover,

Thanks for posting in Aspose.Slides.

I have observed your requirement and suggest you to please try using following sample code on your end. It gets the color for me on my end.

public static void GetColor()
Presentation pres = new Presentation("D:\\Slides Data\\Shape.pptx");
ISlide slide = pres.Slides[0];
foreach (IShape shape in slide.Shapes)
if (shape is IAutoShape)
IAutoShape ashp = (IAutoShape)shape;
if (ashp.FillFormat.FillType == FillType.Solid)
Color col = ashp.FillFormat.SolidFillColor.Color;
Color col= ashp.CreateFillFormatEffective().SolidFillColor;

Best Regards,