Unable to read dot code barcodes

We have the requirement to read multiple dot-code barcodes (Minimum 10 numbers) at a time.

So, to do the same we have tried below steps :

  1. Integrated Aspose. Barcode Dot NET supported the library into our application.

  2. As per the developer guideline provided on the website https://about.aspose.com/ tried different methods/ways to read the dot-codes (10 numbers at a time) but failed to get the required output.

  3. If we set DecodeType as AllSupportedTypes then some of the codes get to read but the result of the same is wrong. Instead of providing barcode type as Dotcode it gives Matrix2Of5/Codabar/Standard2Of5 etc. and the content string is also some garbage value. (Refer attached image)

  4. To get the result of this dot-code time required is more than 2.5 Minutes which is very high and not acceptable.

So, as per our requirement please guide us for " How we can read all the dot comes from a set of codes and fetch the respective correct results within minimum time span ? ".Dotcode Images.zip (10.0 MB)


Thanks for the image files and details.

After an initial test, I am able to observe the issue as you mentioned using the following sample code with your image files. I found that mostly for the images (e.g 1 - Copy.bmp, 2 - Copy.bmp, 3 - Copy.bmp and so on, etc.) Aspose.BarCode for .NET failed to read out the dot-codes. For the images (e.g 9.bmp, 10.bmp) it does read out but the code type is wrong. I have also set DecodeType as AllSupportedTypes to try to read the result. But the barcode type for Dotcode it gives Matrix2Of5 and other types. Also, it takes more time to get the barcodes processed:
Sample code:

  var bmp = new Bitmap("E:\\test2\\Dotcode Images\\10.bmp");

            using (Aspose.BarCode.BarCodeRecognition.BarCodeReader reader = new Aspose.BarCode.BarCodeRecognition.BarCodeReader(bmp, Aspose.BarCode.BarCodeRecognition.DecodeType.AllSupportedTypes))
                while (reader.Read())
                    var barcode = reader.GetCodeText();

I have logged a ticket with an id “BARCODENET-37254” for your issue. We will look into it soon.

Once we have an update on it, we will let you know.

@Amjad_Sahi - Thank you so much for your quick response. It means a lot to me. Appreciating your efforts. I hope you will get a solution to the above-mentioned problem ASAP. If you require any further details please let me know.

Waiting for your further progress on this topic.


Please spare us time to properly evaluate your issue in details. It might take some time as it is a bit complex issue.

Anyways, once we have any new information available, we will let you know.


Yes, no issues take your time.
If you require any additional information that might help you to resolve this issue in a faster way then let me know.


Sure, we will ask for it if further detail is needed.

Currently our engine cannot recognize Dotcode barcodes with so low quality (algorithm issues). However you can greatly help if you add more dotcode examples with the same quality to rework our recognition algorithm for this barcode type.