Unable to read text from image

Hi Team,

Good Morning. We are not able to extract text from image by using OCR dll. We are getting error message as “Error occurred during recognition.” Could you please help me on this? For your reference i am attaching image.


Hi Suresh,

Thank you for considering Aspose APIs.

We have evaluated your presented scenario while using the latest version of Aspose.OCR for .NET 2.4.0, and we are unable to observe the said exception. However, the process hangs for indefinite period of time at OcrEngine.Process against your sample. We have logged this issue in our bug tracking system under the ticket OCR-34010 for further investigation & correction purposes.

In order to evaluate your original concern, could you please provide us a sample application along with it’s dependencies?

We just added aspose code of three to four lines in our .Net application. We are also facing the same issue “indefinite period of time”. If we get the response then we are getting error message.

Below is my sample code:

string imageFile = @“D:\AsposeDlls\IMG_20150410_175304.jpg”;
string extractText = “”;

OcrEngine ocrEngine = new OcrEngine();

ocrEngine.Image = ImageStream.FromFile(imageFile);

if (ocrEngine.Process())
extractText = ocrEngine.Text.ToString();

catch (Exception ex)


Hi Suresh,

Thank you for the code snippet. In spite of the fact that I am unable to observe the said exception (may be I have give the process more time to throw the error) I have updated the previously logged ticket and added the error details on your behalf. I will try again to capture the complete stack trace for proper investigation. If you can, please provide the stack trace from your end as well for comparison.

We are getting same error while processing “Error occurred during recognition”. We have getting same error message for several times.

Any update on this?

Hi Suresh,

The ticket logged earlier as OCR-34010 is currently in analysis phase. We cannot share an estimated release schedule for the fix unless we have thoroughly evaluated the scenario to identify the problem cause. Please spare us some more time to properly investigate the matter. As soon as we have completed the analysis, we will post here with our investigation results along with release schedule for the fix.

Thank you for your patience.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as ) have been fixed in this Aspose.Words for JasperReports 18.3 update.