Unable to search the "$450" from a pdf using attach code

I have used to the below code search the text from pdf and we are unable to get a result for a text which contains “$” symbol. Can you help us on that.

TextSearchOptions op1 = new TextSearchOptions(true);
op1.UseFontEngineEncoding = true;
op1.IgnoreResourceFontErrors = true;
op1.SearchForTextRelatedGraphics = false;
op1.IgnoreShadowText = true;

string searchText = searchString.Replace(" “, @”\s*“).Replace(”\n", @“\s*”);
//searchText = searchText.Replace(“(”, @“(”).Replace(“)”, @“)”);
//searchText = searchText.Replace(“[”, @“[”).Replace(“]”, @“]”);
//searchText = searchText.Replace(“?”, @“?”).Replace(“+”, @“+”);
searchText = searchText.Replace(“$”, @“”);
// searchText = searchText.Replace(“-”, @“-”).Replace(“^”, @“^”);
// searchText = searchText.Replace(“{”, @“{”).Replace(“}”, @“}”);
//searchText = searchText.Replace(“|”, @“|”).Replace(“*”, @“*”);

TextFragmentAbsorber textFragmentAbsorber = new TextFragmentAbsorber(searchText, op1);



Can you please share your sample PDF document for our reference? We will test the scenario in our environment and address it accordingly.

Please find the sample pdf file. I have removed all the content excpet the dollar value. I have tested in my environment
Test PDF for verifcation.pdf (121.5 KB)

with the above code and it is not working.


Below is the simple code snippet that we used with 24.10 version of the API and could not replicate the issue:

Aspose.Pdf.Document pdfDocument = new Aspose.Pdf.Document(dataDir + "Test PDF for verifcation.pdf");

// Create TextAbsorber object to find all instances of the input search phrase
TextFragmentAbsorber textFragmentAbsorber = new TextFragmentAbsorber("$450");
// Accept the absorber for all the pages

Would you please try this way and let us know if issue still persists?