Unable to Set PrintArea in Excel


I am Trying to set Print Area in excel (.xls or .xlsx) using aspose.cell dll (version or in visual studio2005. Please find the below code:

lexcReport.Worksheets(0).PageSetup.PrintArea = "A1:C7"

it complied successfully but didn't set print area.

Please assist.


As you are using an older version of the product, so we cannot help you much. And, if it is bug in older version, we can’t fix that too, the fixes are only included based on latest code base. We only recommend you to kindly upgrade and try our latest version (e.g v8.2.2), it would work fine in it. If you still find the issue with latest version (i.e., v8.2.2), kindly attach your template file, we will check it soon.

Thank you.