Unexpected validation behavior when copying a range

Hi everyone!
I insert new column like this:
worksheet.getCells().insertColumns(int columnIndex, int totalColumns, boolean updateReference);
and copy range like this:
Range range = cells.createRange(“B1”, “C2”);
Range copyRange = cells.createRange(“D1”, “E2”);
PasteOptions options = new PasteOptions();
copyRange.copy(range, options);

U can find the example project here: GitHub - zeroWiNNeR/aspose-cells-insert-columns-error

This works fine, almost. Values and styles are carried over. However, the validation is not overwritten.
Can anyone tell me is it a bug or normal behavior?

By using sample files and code for testing, we are able to reproduce the issue. Discovering that the validation is not overwritten when copying a range. If manually operated in Excel, we can find that the validation is overwritten after copying a range. Please refer to the attachment. result.zip (13.7 KB)

We have opened the following new ticket(s) in our internal issue tracking system and will deliver their fixes according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.

Issue ID(s): CELLSJAVA-45895

You can obtain Paid Support Services if you need support on a priority basis, along with the direct access to our Paid Support management team.

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This is to inform you that the issue you reported earlier as “CELLSJAVA-45895” has been resolved. The fix will be included in the upcoming release (Aspose.Cells v24.4) that we plan to release in the first half of April (next month). You will be notified when the next version is released.

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The issues you have found earlier (filed as CELLSJAVA-45895) have been fixed in Aspose.Cells for Java 24.4.