Unhandled error in SkiaSharp using Aspose.Word on linux

Hi ,
We have a regular and registered Aspose.Words version (Nehs Digital). We encounter troubles while using Aspose Word, an unhandled error occurred: The stack trace show a null parameter buffer on SkiaSharp.SKManagedStream.OnReadManagedStream.

The trouble seems to be know at SkiaSharp Team:
[BUG] SKManagedStream crash loading bmp files introduced in 2.80.3 · Issue #1752 · mono/SkiaSharp · GitHub

A Workaround could be to use the Skiasharp last good version 2.80.2, but the last nugget version comes with 2.80.3.

@BOURY Could you please provide a simple code and document that will allow to reproduce the problem? We will check the issue and provide you more information.
Also please let us know which version of Aspose.Words do you use? There was a similar problem, but it has been fixed in 21.12 version of Aspose.Words.