Unicode and Bolding characters

Thanks for reading this post on the Aspose.Pdf forum.

We're using Aspose.Pdf and the TextInfo object to display Unicode characters in Pdf output, using this syntax:

textInfo.FontName = "Arial Unicode MS";

When setting the Bold attribute for this TextInfo object, the characters (in any language) do not bold:

textInfo.IsTrueTypeFontBold = true;

Is there support for bolding Unicode characters in Aspose.Pdf ? Thank you.

Side note: The same (unbolded) text we are displaying in Aspose.Pdf output can be cut and pasted into MS Word, and MS Word will show the font as Arial Unicode MS, and then we are able to Bold the font in MS Word. So the Arial Unicode MS font is capable of displaying bold characters, apparently.

Side note 2: Simple HTML markup will also bold Arial Unicode MS characters correctly, as in this syntax:The word this is bold, and the rest of the words in this sentence are not bold.

Side note 3: Using the "Arial Bold" font name in the TextInfo does bold Apose.Pdf output correctly, but then the Unicode characters are not displayed... thanks!

Hi canec,

It is on the lack of bold versions of ArialUnicodeMS that Aspose.Pdf only can use the regular Arial Unicode MS instead. The IsTrueTypeFontBold property works only if the bold ArialUnicodeMS is already installed on font system.

I'm not sure if the ArialUnicodeMS font exists for bold? Not many of the big unicode fonts do.

We are now working on this issue and I hope we can avoid this limitation next month.