Unicode Text print with Aspose.PSD.Graphics is showing garbage text in 23.11 version and onwards

I am using graphics.DrawString to generate text on textlayer for unicode Hindi text.
It was working earlier in ver 23.2, previouly used dll. Previous old Output is as shown below :
IDO00069_00164024_05141.jpg (19.1 KB)

Now after update of Aspose.PSD.dll Library to ver 23.11 and even lates 24.1, text drawn using latest dll shows issues like : 1. If more than one text layer, previous layer , default text on textlayer is not removed on updatetext() and layer default text is displayed.
error image.jpg (23.7 KB)

Aspose.PSD.Font font = new Aspose.PSD.Font(textLayer.TextData.Items[0].Style.FontName, fontsize - 1.5f, textLayer.TextData.Items[0].Style.FauxBold ? FontStyle.Bold : FontStyle.Regular);
using (Aspose.PSD.Brushes.SolidBrush brush = new Aspose.PSD.Brushes.SolidBrush(textLayer.TextColor))
Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle(textLayer.Left - 6, textLayer.Top - 8, (int)textLayer.TextBoundBox.Width, (int)textLayer.TextBoundBox.Height + 20);
graphics.DrawString(txtdata, font, brush, rectangle);

Need resolution of this issue as its a new bug introduced not shown in 23.2 version

@krkaushal i will create ticket for this issue, provide please source file.