UniqueUri property in ImapMessageInfo


I am evaluating ASPOSE libraries for an upcoming project .

I see from the documentation that UniqueUri property is implemented in the http based (WebDAV/WebService) classes . However I am looking for an implementation of this property in ImapMessageInfo class. Please tell me if UniqueUri will work in IMAP based classes or not.

Also can you pls give me some sample values of this property for a message (Just to make sure we both mean the same)? I am assuming that the value is formed something like this for an email in Inbox.

thank you for your help

This message was posted using Page2Forum from Listing Messages from Exchange Server - Aspose.Network for .NET

To give you some more information,
I am looking for imap libraries for ms exchange client development.
I see that Aspos.Network package meets some of my requirements.
However the ability to identify individual message/CalendarEntries/Contacts by a unique and complete url is important for me. That is the reason why I am asking for details of ‘UniqueUri’ property in imap classes.


Thank you for inquiry.

Please refer to this page for connecting to an Exchange mailbox using IMAP.

ImapMessageInfo contains UniqueId property, which is an integer. For example of getting messages with ImapClient and UniqueId, please visit https://docs.aspose.com/email/net/connecting-to-exchange-server/#connecting-to-exchange-server-using-imap.

I am sorry, I think you misunderstood the question. I was specifically asking about the property UniqueUri in ImapMessageInfo class because I do not see it in the class documentation.

However I see it in the ExchangeMessageInfo but it is declared as abstract
So was wondering if this property has an implementation in ImapMessageInfo or not


ImapMessageInfo class does not have UniqueUri property.

UniqueUri is only available with ExchangeMessageInfo, because the messages can be accessed in the form of http://ex-server/exchange/username/inbox/subject.eml. IMAP is a separate protocol which does not support accessing messages in the form of URI.