Unity3D GameEngine in crashing


I use temp license Aspose.pdf for .Net(C#).

Also, Developer for Unity3D.

I plug-in dll file to "Aspose.pdf.dll".

However, TypeLoadException in Unity, and excute being crash bug

This <?xml:namespace prefix = daum ns = "http://dic.daum.net/" />Aspose.pdf is not compatible with the Unity3D Engine?

crashing context is "pngDevice.Process(pdfDocument.Pages[pageCount], imageStream);"

Hi Rusiela,

Thanks for your inquiry. I’m afraid we don’t have any known compatibility issue with Unity3D Engine. As Aspose.Pdf for .Net Api based on .Net Framework it should work with related applications. Could you please share your sample code/Project here? So we test it at our end and provide your more information accordingly.

Sorry for the inconvenience faced.

Best Regards,