"Unknown File Format" Error when Loading an AIP Protected PPTX in C#

Recently we have a problem caused probably to interaction with AIP: Powerpoint file protected with AIP seem not to be recognized anymore as ppt files.
Code snippets:
var bytes = File.ReadAllBytes(…path+ file.pptx);
var presentation = new Aspose.Slides.Presentation (new MemoryStream(bytes));

error: Unknown file format

Welcome to our community.
Could you share the presentation file for investigating the issue, please? If you specified the version of Aspose.Slides library, it would be great.

Dear Andrey,

Can you please tell us a secure mode to transfer the file? Our pptx file is protected with AIP label.

Our Aspose version is: Aspose.Slides for .NET 18.12.0

For any further information, in cc you can find the contact of our colleague Valerio that can give you more details.



Attached you can find file


test_Aspose.zip (56.4 KB)

Thank you for the presentation sample. To my regret, the Aspose.Slides library doesn’t support Azure Information Protection yet (even v21.1). I have linked this topic with the appropriate task with ID
SLIDESNET-40543 from our tracking system. You will be notified when the feature is implemented.

You can send private files to a personal email of support in the future (click on a user name and “Message” button).