I am using the DocumentVisitor functionality to remove all fields from my documents(see below). There are some nested fields in my document that are not being unlinked properly. How can I properly unlink nested fields?
The field code in my original document is: {IF {DOCPROPERTY "~V_02"} = "1" "A" "B"}
In my document after applying the RemoveFields class below the field reads: {IF = "1" "A" "B"}
I would like my final document to say just : A or B with the field being unlinked
(I also tried another method to unlink the fields(see code below) which produced the same results.
How would I do this correctly?
public class RemoveFields : DocumentVisitor
private bool _delete = false;
public override VisitorAction VisitFieldStart(Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldStart fieldStart)
if (fieldStart.FieldType == FieldType.FieldDocProperty || fieldStart.FieldType == FieldType.FieldCreateDate)
_delete = true;
return VisitorAction.Continue;
public override VisitorAction VisitFieldSeparator(Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldSeparator fieldSeparator)
if (fieldSeparator.FieldType == FieldType.FieldDocProperty || fieldSeparator.FieldType == FieldType.FieldCreateDate)
_delete = false;
return VisitorAction.Continue;
public override VisitorAction VisitFieldEnd(Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldEnd fieldEnd)
if (fieldEnd.FieldType == FieldType.FieldDocProperty || fieldEnd.FieldType == FieldType.FieldCreateDate)
_delete = false;
return VisitorAction.Continue;
public override VisitorAction VisitRun(Run run)
if (_delete)
return VisitorAction.Continue;
I also tried the following code, which produces the same result:
private static void UnlinkFields(Document doc)
ArrayList propertyStarts = new ArrayList();
NodeCollection starts = doc.GetChildNodes(NodeType.FieldStart, true);
foreach (FieldStart start in starts)
if (start.FieldType == FieldType.FieldDocProperty)
foreach (FieldStart start in propertyStarts)
Node currentNode = start;
Node fieldSeparator = null;
while (currentNode.NodeType != NodeType.FieldSeparator && currentNode.NodeType != NodeType.FieldEnd)
currentNode = currentNode.NextSibling;
if (currentNode.NodeType == NodeType.FieldSeparator)
fieldSeparator = currentNode;
while (currentNode != null && currentNode.NodeType != NodeType.FieldEnd)
currentNode = currentNode.NextSibling;
if (currentNode != null)