We are using your Aspose.barcode 4 NET for our product. We have issue with series of ~vdebarcode_7.png (585 Bytes)
2D DataMatrix codes that cannot be recognized, while some online scanners do.
After an initial testing, I was able to reproduce the issue as you mentioned by using your barcode image. I found Aspose.BarCode for .NET could not read DataMatrix code from the image:
We need to evaluate your issue in details. We have opened the following new ticket(s) in our internal issue tracking system and will deliver their fixes according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.
Issue ID(s): BARCODENET-38709
You can obtain Paid Support Services if you need support on a priority basis, along with the direct access to our Paid Support management team.
We are sorry, but your issue has not been resolved yet. We will check if we can provide updates or an ETA on it. We will get back to you soon. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
Please note, your barcode in the image is not recognized by our library because it is mirrored. Mirrored barcodes support will be added in the next release hopefully. Once we figure it out, we will update you.
We are pleased to inform you that your issue (logged earlier as “BARCODENET-38709”) has been resolved. The fix will be included in our upcoming Aspose.BarCode for .NET v23.9 release, which will be released in this month (September). You will be notified when a new version is released.