Unsuccessful PDF to PDF/A-2a conversion with font substitution


We are trying to convert PDFs to PDF/A-2a on Ubuntu with Java 8 using the latest Aspose PDF for Java 23.4.

When converting documents with fonts that are not embedded into the input document, we get an invalid converted document.

We have a PDF with text in Times New Roman, the Times New Roman font is not embedded and it is not available in the OS. We wish to substitute it with a different font that is available in the OS - Liberation Serif.
The conversion is done using the following code:

try (com.aspose.pdf.Document pdf = new com.aspose.pdf.Document("times-new-roman.pdf")) {
	PdfFormatConversionOptions conversionOptions = new PdfFormatConversionOptions(PdfFormat.PDF_A_2A);
	ByteArrayOutputStream conversionLog = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

	boolean isConvertedSuccessfully = pdf.convert(conversionOptions); // Returns false

	TextFragmentAbsorber absorber = new TextFragmentAbsorber(new TextEditOptions(TextEditOptions.FontReplace.RemoveUnusedFonts));

	TextFragmentCollection textFragments = absorber.getTextFragments();
	for (Iterator<TextFragment> iterator = textFragments.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
		TextFragment textFragment = iterator.next();

		Font font = textFragment.getTextState().getFont();
		String fontName = font.getFontName();

		if (!font.isEmbedded()) {
			if (fontName.equals("TimesNewRomanPSMT")) {
				textFragment.getTextState().setFont(FontRepository.findFont("Liberation Serif"));
			} else if (fontName.equals("TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT")) {
				textFragment.getTextState().setFont(FontRepository.findFont("Liberation Serif Bold"));
			} else if (fontName.equals("TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT")) {
				textFragment.getTextState().setFont(FontRepository.findFont("Liberation Serif Italic"));
			} else if (fontName.equals("TimesNewRomanPS-BoldItalicMT")) {
				textFragment.getTextState().setFont(FontRepository.findFont("Liberation Serif Bold Italic"));

	pdf.save("times-new-roman-converted.pdf", new com.aspose.pdf.PdfSaveOptions());

And later validated using the following code:

try (com.aspose.pdf.Document convertedPdf = new com.aspose.pdf.Document("times-new-roman-converted.pdf")) {
	ByteArrayOutputStream validationLog = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
	boolean isValid = convertedPdf.validate(validationLog, PdfFormat.PDF_A_2A); // Returns false
  1. The converted document, however, is not a valid PDF/A-2a. Could you please advise what to implement so that the converted result is a valid PDF/A-2a? Please, see Times New Roman example: times-new-roman.zip (37.9 KB)

  2. The font substitution code is a bit too specific whether the font is in bold/italic - is there a way to just say “substitute Times New Roman with Liberation Serif” with a single call? Or a way to use the OS font cache for substitutions?

On the other hand, if an input document has all its fonts embedded, and it is just converted to PDF/A-2a without font substitutions, then the converted result is valid. Please, see Calibri example: calibri.zip (50.2 KB)

Thank you!


We have opened the following new ticket(s) in our internal issue tracking system and will deliver their fixes according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.

Issue ID(s): PDFJAVA-42777

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I did the font substitutions before converting the PDF and got valid results.

Still, an easier way to substitute the fonts would be great.


Thanks for sharing your feedback and concerns. We have updated the ticket information and will surely investigate from this perspective.