Update document variables

First of all Aspose.words seems like a good product and I will buy it but I have 1 question:

I have an application that uses document variables. I had to update these with COM and this was slow/buggy/etc…

With Aspose it’s fast and stable. However when I have changed the variables with Aspose,saved tha document and then open it with ms-word I have to “update” them before I see the new values.
Now of course I could do this with COM but it would be great if this was also possible with Aspose.

I used :

Document.Variables[key] = value


Open in MS-word.
Thanks in advance.

You can use Range.UpdateFields method to update the fields in the document that are using document variables. For example:

doc.Variables[“var1”] = “new value”;

Hope this helps,
Vladimir Averkin
Developer/Technical Support
Aspose Auckland team