Update Index entry field


I want to update the index entry field in the document.

For example, the document have the index entry field { XE “Manientry” }, I want to modify this { XE “Manientry” \t “See also Subentry” }.

Could you please guide me, how can I do this using ASPOSE Words?

Hi Harish,

Thanks for your inquiry. FieldXE class implements the XE field. This class defines the text and page number for an index entry, which is used by an INDEX field. Please use following code example to achieve your requirements. Hope this helps you.

Document doc = new Document(MyDir + "in.docx");
FieldXE findex = (FieldXE)doc.Range.Fields[0];
findex.PageNumberReplacement = "See also Subentry";
doc.Save(MyDir + "Outv16.4.0.docx");