Update to 24.6 version

After of update to the last version of aspose psd, 24.6 I have the following error:

Exception has occurred: CLR/System.ComponentModel.LicenseException
An exception of type ‘System.ComponentModel.LicenseException’ occurred in Aspose.PSD.dll but was not handled in user code: ‘Update text is supported only in licensed mode’
at .UpdateLayerData()

Code used:
version_24.6_error.txt.zip (356 Bytes)

But if I use a version prior to 24.6, it doesn’t give me any errors.

@cristianortegaethofy till the what date your current license is valid? It can be found in the license file.

Ok, the expiration date has passed as seen in the image.
expire-date-licence.png (3.9 KB)
As the date has recently passed we were able to use the previous version, but not the latest. This is the first time we need to renew our license. Could you please provide guidance on the renewal process or link? thank you for answering me

@cristianortegaethofy please check the following resource: Renew a Subscription - Purchase - aspose.com

How to renew a subscription
  • Log in to the purchase system with the username that the product was bought with and head to the renew order page.
  • If you have a problem or if you are not the original buyer, contact our sales department and they will help you.
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