Updating fields breaks formatting of table of contents


We have a document that gets its table of contents broken after fields are updated with Apose.Words.

Here are two versions of the document:

  1. Before updating fields: Test_toc.docx (32.2 KB)
  2. After updating fields: Test_toc_updatedFields.docx (25.6 KB)

The following code can be run to reproduce the issue:

const string loadPath = "insertPathToDocumentHere";
const string savePath = "insertSavePathHere";

var document = new Document(loadPath);

After updating fields the headers on level 2 are moved to where the page numbers are and continue on the row.

The example code was run in a .NET8 console app on a Windows 11 machine using Aspose.Words 24.6.

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Issue ID(s): WORDSNET-27153

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