I am evaluating Aspose.Words on behalf of a customer. We want to use Aspose.Words and Aspose.Pdf to convert word files to pdf in a publishing workflow. Before converting we need to update all fields the header in the documents (the equivalent of opening the document in Word, selecting the header and pressing F9). Can this be done with Aspose.Words?
This customer has a setup with 2 frontend webservers and one test server, in addition to this there is a development environmet that I will work on. Would the Developer OEM Subscription be appropriate for this setup? Also, the subscription includes 1 year technical support. What is the cost of extending the support?
Thank you!
Axel Ivarsson
Fishbone Systems
Generally, the update of the fileds similar to MS Word’s F9 is not yet supported in Aspose.Words. But some fields, like page numbering, are automatically calculated by Aspose.Pdf during conversion. So, it depends on the type of the fields that need to be updated. If you attach some of your sample documents here I can give a precise answer on what can be updated and what can not.
To quickly evaluate the conversion capabilities yourself you can use our DocumentExplorer source code demo that comes with the evaluation pack. This program allows to load the documents in all supported formats and save them to all supported formats, including PDF.
Concerning pricing, I have notified our sales department on this. They will post their answer here in a short time.
Best regards,
In the attached document, there is a number of fields in the header. The fields show custom properties that are connected to and automatically updated by metadata in a SharePoint document library. When I open this in Aspose.Words and save it as PDF I need to update the fields to reflect the current value of the property.
For example the field ID in the header shows the property DocID which at the moment has a different value than is showed. Pressing F9 in the field och viewing a print preview in Word will update the field to the current value. Is there some way to update the fields or perhaps programatically access the fields to manipulate the values before saving as PDF?
Thank you
Hello Axel,
Will the component be at only one physical location (building) or a few? I will also need to know if there is only one developer or a few? I will be happy to answer you with a better quote once I know those two things.
I look forward to helping you.
I am glad to inform you that DOCPROPERTY and DOCVARIABLE fields can be updated in Aspose.Words by calling Document.Range.UpdateFields() method. So the DocID field in your document can be updated. The other field in the header of the attached document is TITLE. Its update is not supported yet but it is quite feasible to add support for it quickly.
I have logged the request for updating the TITLE field to our defect base as issue #1357. We will try to add support for it in the next hotfix which will be published in a few weeks.
Best regards,
Thanks! I will try the UpdateFields method.
All servers will be at the same physical location and there will be only one developer (external consultant) responsible for the functionality involving the aspose compnents.
Developer Enterprise would be what you need. https://purchase.aspose.com/pricing/words/net It is $899. If you need any additional help, please contact me. Have a nice day.
Hi again!
How can I tell if issue #1357 has been resolved? I tried searching for the defects base but I can’t find it.
No, this defect has not been fixed yet. Usually the defects that are fixed are appearing in release announcements in downloads section. The defect base itself is not available for public view.
Best regards,
The issues you have found earlier (filed as 126) have been fixed in this update.
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