We’re using version 7 of Aspose.Words for .net to dynamically create a document that has lots of Index Entry fields in it.
Does the updated version support updating the index fields in code? I know TOC fields update now but how about indexes? I tried the Document.UpdateFields() thing with version 9.1 but that didn’t work.
I still have to do F9 to get word to create the index.
Thanks for your inquiry. Unfortunately, Aspose.Words does not support updating INDEX fields at the moment. Your request has been linked to the appropriate issue. You will be notified as soon as it is resolved.
Best regards.
Thanks for the quick reply,
We’re kind of in a bind here. Are you aware of any work arounds for this issue? Perhaps saving in some other intermediate format that does support updating indexes? Anything other customers have reported success with? OLE automation even?
We’re also needing to create .pdf versions of word documents. I assume there’s no way to have indexes work there either.
Hi Dennis,
We are working to include updating of Index fields and we will include this is one of our later releases. We will notify you of any developments.
In the mean time the only work around I can think of is to use a macro in your document that will update the fields automatically on startup.
Hi there,
i’m looking into Aspose.Words right now and would like to ask for an update. Is it possible now?
best regards
Hi Thomas,
Thanks for your request. Unfortunately, Aspose.Words still does not support updating INDEX fields. We will notify you once this field is supported.
Maybe in your case, you can try using TOC instead of INDEX.
Best regards,
Is there a tentative time line as to when this functionality will be added? This quarter, this year, next year? I could really use this functionality, too.
Is there a way currently in Aspose.Words to alphabitize a table of contents(TOC)?
Hi Thomas,
Thanks for your request. Unfortunately, Aspose.Words still does not support updating INDEX fields. We will notify you once this field is supported.
Maybe in your case, you can try using TOC instead of INDEX.
Best regards,
Thanks for your request. Currently, there is timeline specified for this issue. Hopefully Index fields will be supported in the first half of this year.
Unfortunately, there is no way to alphabetize TOC in MS Word. Items in TOC are placed in order of occurrence in the document.
Best regards,
The issues you have found earlier (filed as WORDSNET-3583) have been fixed in this .NET update and this Java update.
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