Our team recently have upgraded from Aspose.Words 11.3 to Aspose.Words 13.5.
My management is asking me if you have incorporated any new third party components since Aspose.Words 11.3?
I would really appreciate if you respond as soon as possible!
Thanks a lot in advance
Best Regards
Arina Dobkin
Hi Arina,
Thanks for your inquiry. Aspose.Words for .NET is distributed as an MSI installer; when you install it, one of the folders is named 'License'. Open the file 'thirdpartylicenses.Aspose.Words.for.NET.txt' with notepad and you will find the required information about open source components used in Aspose.Words. Aspose.Words 11.3.0 uses all the open source components that the current version (13.8.0) of Aspose.Words uses. We did not stop using any third party libraries, but over the years we added some new open source components. Moreover, in case you want to be absolutely certain, please consider upgrading to the latest version of Aspose.Words (13.8.0).
Best regards,
Hello Awais
Thanks a lot for your detailed respond! Unfortunately, I forgot to mention in the original message that our team is using Aspose.Words for Java. I appologize for that.
Can you please avise if your respond also accuarate for Aspose.Words for Java? If no, do you think you ore somebody else in the team can answer my qurstion regarding new OS in Aspose.Wrds for Java?
Thanks in advance!
Best regards
Hi Arina,
Thanks for your inquiry. Yes, the same information is true when it comes to Aspose.Words for Java. Moreover, you can find a list of open source components i.e. used in Aspose.Words for Java inside “thirdpartylicenses-Aspose.Words for Java.txt” file which is contained in “License” directory. I hope, this helps.
Best regards,