Question for the Aspose Technical Team.
We purchased a license of Aspose for rendering PDFs and at that time Aspose was compatible with latest version of .NET Core but it seems to have stalled at .NET Core 2.0.
Are there plans to upgrade to the latest version and keep it upgraded as new versions of .NET Core are released?
We would like to share with you that Aspose.PDF for .NET supports higher versions of .NET Core as well. The support for .NET 6.0 has also been added and you can use latest version of the API under this environment. In case any new .NET Version is launched, we will add its support in future versions of the API as well. Please feel free to let us know in case you face any issues.
@asad.ali - Thank you for the update. Can we ( and be notified when a new version of Aspose .NET based is released and with the corresponding release notes and .NET version it supports?
Rakesh Jain
We have a lot of customers using our API and we send notifications about new releases only in the forum threads where some issues are reported and update is required. However, you can subscribe for our newsletters as well as blog updates anytime you want to keep yourself tuned up regarding latest updates in Aspose APIs. Please check Aspose Blog for more information.