Upgrading from v6.20 to v17

We are upgrading our Reporting Services installation from 2012 to 2014 and need to upgrade to the 2014-compatable v17 Aspose.BarCode dll files.

I currently have installed Aspose.Barcode v6.2 and have downloaded the v17 trial .dll files. I have placed the new .dll files in the same folder as the existing .dll files but when I try to generate an existing report that uses the barcode control, I get this error:

Error while loading code module: 'Aspose.BarCode.ReportingServices, Version=, … etc
Details: Could not load file or assembly 'Aspose.BarCode.ReportingServices, Version=… etc.
This assembly is built by a runtime newer than the currently loaded runtime and cannot be loaded.

Are existing .RDL files that use the barcode control compatible with the new .DLL or do we need to touch/update each .RDL as well?

Do the report server .config files need to be modified if they were working correctly with the v6.2 DLL file?

Thanks in advance.

Hi Dan,

Thank you for your inquiry.

This is to update you that we have investigated the issue. We are able to reproduce the issue with SQL Server 2014. The issue has been logged into our system with ID BARCODEREP-33. Our product team is working on this issue. We will update you with the feedback in this thread once available.

Hi Dan,

This is to update you that our product team is working on this issue. It was found that MS SQL Server 2014 does not support 4.x versions. We will update you in this thread once the issue will be fixed.

the email notification I received of this post includes the line:

please change the target framework to 3.5, it will work

but the line is now removed from this post. is this still a valid workaround? How would one make this change?

Hi Dan,

I am sorry for the inconvenience caused.

Yes, you are right one cannot change the framework. This is to update you that the issue has been fixed. It is currently in QA process. The fix will be available in our upcoming release Aspose.BarCode for SSRS 17.02. We will update you via this forum thread, once the release will be available in the download section.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as BARCODEREP-33) have been fixed in this update.

This message was posted using Notification2Forum from Downloads module by Aspose Notifier.