URGENT: Trying to set checkbox in XFA document doesn't work


Using Version 21.11
Cannot programmatically set a checkbox for an XFA document.

string value = “1” pdfDocument.Form.XFA[$“topmostSubform[0].Page3[0].Table_Part3[0].Row1[0].c3_3[0]”] = value;

This SHOULD set the checkbox to checked, unless there is another text value (TRUE, true, etc.) that I should be passing.

There seems to be several support tickets in the system referencing this problem (PDFNET-49834 and PDFNET-51604) but no version release note references these issues that I can see. Please help! This is impacting hundreds of our customers and we need a solution or workaround immediately.


Would you please share your sample document with us as well? We will test the scenario in our environment and address it accordingly.

f1095c2024.pdf (264.3 KB)

It’s the IRS 1095C form.


We have opened the following new ticket(s) in our internal issue tracking system and will deliver their fixes according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.

Issue ID(s): PDFNET-59000

You can obtain Paid Support Services if you need support on a priority basis, along with the direct access to our Paid Support management team.

I do appreciate that, and may move forward with paid support services, but the current version of Aspose PDF has so many dependencies that it would be a major effort for us to upgrade our software in order to use it. Is there any kind of a workaround? Is there some OTHER way to get data into those fields?


We will definitely investigate and look for a workaround for this case. The ticket is just logged and will be prioritized on first come first serve basis. As soon as we get some updates in this regard, we will share with you via this forum thread. Please be patient and spare us some time.

We are sorry for the inconvenience.

Thank you for your support. We did, thankfully find a workaround. The following code handles the checkboxes:

if (value = “1”)
var field = pdfDocument.Form.Fields.First(x => x.FullName ==
$“topmostSubform[0].Page3[0].Table_Part3[0].Row1[0].c3_3[0]”) as CheckboxField;

if (field != null) field.Checked = true;


Its nice to know that you were able to find a workaround. Please keep using the API and feel free to create a new topic in case you face any kind of issues.