Use Aspose.pdf HTML to PDF using InLineHTML


I am using Aspose.pdf.dll version 5.0.0 for .net in one of our products. Use it to convert Html page to pdf. But I found that the css does not be supported well.

the html file have the css 'text-align:center;' to make the text display in the middle of the cell. But when we convert to pdf . I found that the text display in left.

example text
example text
example text

Please suggest me how to make the text display in the middle when convert to pdf .


Hello Rong,

Thanks for using our products.

I am pleased to inform you that this issue is already fixed in our latest hotfix shared over this link. Please try using it and in case you still face any problem or you have any further query, please feel free to contact. We apologize for your inconvenience.