Use of range union (-) operator

I've just started using Aspose.Cells for .Net on a trial basis. I have working code that uses the COM interface to Excel. The conversion to Aspose has been fairly easy so far. I noticed one formula issue, however. In Excel you can write: =sum((b2,c2,d2,e2)). The inner list acts like a single range, the comma acting as the union operator. This usage of comma is documented in the Excel doc in the 'About calculation operators' section. When I set this formula in Aspose.Cells and look at the resulting Excel file, it puts =SUM(('B2,C2,D2,E2')) into the cell which generates a #NAME? error. While this particular use of the (,) syntax is trivial and could be written as either =sum(b2,c2,d2,e2) or =sum(b2:e2), this is not possible if you use functions like IRR that take a single argument range and your range is non-contiguous. Is there either an alternate syntax to generate a unioned range or is this a bug that can be fixed?



Thanks for considering Aspose.

We will enhance our calculation engine to accept the forumulas in the format like i.e., "=SUM((b2,c2,d2,e2))" soon.

Thank you.

Please try this attached version.

That fixes it! Thank you for your most impressive response time.