Use row.range.replace to replace tag and let text be bold


I can use row.range.replace to replace tag with text in table. Can I set the text to be bold?

Ex. replace text is Hello,World!
What I want is Hello,World!

The method I use

FindReplaceOptions options = new FindReplaceOptions(FindReplaceDirection.Forward);
string Content = "Hello,World";
titleRow.Range.Replace("#title#", Content, options);

@Hankch You can achieve this using IReplacingCallabck. For example you can insert the formatted content as HTML as shown in the example in this thread.
If whole replacement font should be changed (for example, replace regular text with highlighted), you can easily achieve this using FindReplaceOptions.ApplyFont.

OK, I use ApplyFont.Blod to make text bold is perfectly work.
Thanks a lot.

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