Using a fieldcode as a hyperlink's displaytext (result)

What I want to achieve is this:

hyperlink.Address = url;
hyperlink.ScreenTip = tooltip;
hyperlink.Result = $"{{ DOCPROPERTY {fieldcode} }}";

Basically i want the text of the hyperlink to be a docproperty variable.

Is this possible? (It is possible to do this in word, but can it be done with Aspose?)

@jjdoe You can achieve this using code like this:

Document doc = new Document();
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
doc.BuiltInDocumentProperties.Title = "This is a cool document created by Aspose.Words";

// Insert hyperlink with empty displayed text
Field hyperlink = builder.InsertHyperlink("", "", false);
// Move document builder inside the hyperlink displayed value (between field separator and field end)
// Put all nodes from the target paragraph into the hyperlink value.
// Insert a field
builder.InsertField("DOCPROPERTY Title");


out.docx (7.2 KB)

Thanks for the quick response.

This almost works, but the links appear unformatted. (Black text, no underline).

Any way to fix this?

This seems to work, not sure why it was needed, but did the trick:

builder.Font.StyleIdentifier = StyleIdentifier.Hyperlink;
builder.InsertField($"DOCPROPERTY {fieldcode}");

Thanks again.

@jjdoe Yes, you are absolutely right, it is required to set hyperlink style. But I would set hyperlink style before inserting the hyperlink field

Document doc = new Document();
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
doc.BuiltInDocumentProperties.Title = "This is a cool document created by Aspose.Words";

// Insert hyperlink with empty displayed text
builder.Font.StyleIdentifier = StyleIdentifier.Hyperlink;
Field hyperlink = builder.InsertHyperlink("", "", false);
// Move document builder inside the hyperlink displayed value (between field separator and field end)
// Put all nodes from the target paragraph into the hyperlink value.
// Insert a field
builder.InsertField("DOCPROPERTY Title");
