We have a use case to use a # character in a PDF page stamp. Unfortunately, we also need this stamp to keep track of page numbering, and Aspose’s PdfFileStamp and PageNumberStamp objects currently use the # character as a replacement token for page numbering.
Is there any way to escape # characters when adding page numbers so that they aren’t replaced? Or is there another way to add page numbers that use a different replacement token?
We potentially have the same problem and I don’t think the actual request here was answered.
The question is: how would we allow for including an actual “#” character in a page footer. Is there an escape code that lets Aspose print the hash character instead of a page number?
We have recently opened a ticket as PDFNET-57242 in our issue tracking system where hash (#) sign was getting replaced with numbers in watermark. We believe it is related to your scenario as well. Therefore, we have attached it with this forum thread as well where you will be notified as soon as it is resolved. Please be patient and spare us some time.
Thank you @asad.ali - There is no rush with this. The overwhelming majority of our clients would not use the # symbol in a page footer, and it any of them ever tried to do it I’m sure they wouldn’t be hugely upset if we told them “you can’t do that”. So as far as we’re concerned it’s merely “nice to have”