Schweregrad Code Beschreibung Projekt Datei Zeile Unterdrückungszustand Fehler MCG0037: MCG0037:InvalidCSharpIdentifierName Struct ‘#=z7XWO_STKz7U5A0PZ4t5jjF_X9f44o3$ojjEPCYQ=’ in assembly ‘Assembly(Name=Aspose.Imaging, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=716fcc553a201e56)’ has a field with name ‘#=zZbywc9s=’ that is invalid. This could be because the name is obfuscated or the field is auto-implemented by the compiler. Please make sure the field name follows C# identifier conventions. HoloLensDicom
> using (Stream dicomStream = File.OpenRead(personDicomFiles[j]))
{ DicomImage image = new DicomImage(dicomStream); string jpegFile = Path.ChangeExtension(personDicomFiles[j], ".jpg"); image.Save(jpegFile, new JpegOptions { Quality = 100 }); jpegFiles[i] = jpegFile; }
Unbenannt.png (20.4 KB)