I’m aware the the BindHTML and BindHTMLFromURL methods are considered beta, and I have no problem parsing an HTML stream picked up via System.Net.WebClient to pull out any unsupported markup before passing it to the BindHTML method, but when I try to do so all of my attempts result in the error:
Unknown attribute in Text element. The attribute name is IsBaseline.
Here is the code:
Dim webClient As System.Net.WebClient = New System.Net.WebClient
Dim urlDataBuffer As Byte() = webClient.DownloadData(sURL)
Dim postStream As MemoryStream = New MemoryStream(urlDataBuffer)
Dim utf As New System.Text.UTF8Encoding
Dim HTMLString As String = utf.GetString(postStream.ToArray)
HTMLString.Replace("", “”)
HTMLString.Replace("", “”)
HTMLString.Replace("", “”)
HTMLString.Replace("", “”)
Dim HTMLStringRdr As StringReader = New StringReader(HTMLString)
I know this attribute defaults to “True” and is set to false explicitly for tags. There is one of these tags in my HTML input and I parsed it out of the document before passing it to the method. Is there anything else I should be accounting for? I’d be happy to provide the html input via a PM (some of it is proprietary in nature). The HTML is rather simple.
I may be using an outdated version of the .Net assembly - the version shows as “”. If this is a fixed issue in a newer version of the assembly I’d like to know what my lowest cost upgrade path would be to relieve this condition.
Thank you for your assistance!
Hello Ken,
Thanks for considering Aspose.
I am pleased to inform you that in latest versions of Aspose.Pdf the and tags are supported. Please try using the latest version and in case you still face any problem, please save the HTML stream over the disk and share the resource, so that we can test the scenario at our end.
Regarding License renewal, please visit the following link and select Renew an Existing Order.
PS. The latest version of Aspose.Pdf is v4.0.0.0