Using the How To: Add a watermark example doesn't appear correctly when saving as PDF

I am evaluating your product Aspose Words. One of the requirements is that we need to put a draft watermark across the document pages when they produce a pdf.
The how to guides gives an example of adding a watermark which includes the code.
However when we try to produce a pdf with the draft watermark, it appears as two diagonal lines.
The document saved as a word doc doesn’t exhibit the same issues.
We are basically using the sample code provided but changed it to accept parameters (See attached sample code)
Attached is also the sample input file and the two output file (word working correctly and the pdf which is not)


Thanks for your inquiry. The problem occurs because the watermark is WordArt shape in the header of your Word document. At the moment, Aspose.Words does not support rendering of WordArt shapes. You will be notified as soon as this feature is supported.
Best regards,

The issues you have found earlier (filed as 7114) have been fixed in this update.

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