Uuencoded attachments not being recognised by MailMessage


We are using Aspose email 1.2.0 for Java (aspose-email-jdk15-1.2.0.jar) and have come across an issue where email attachments are not being recognised by the MailMessage class when it contains uuencoded attachments.

The file is loaded as below:

MailMessage origMessage = MailMessage.load(inputStream, MessageFormat.getEml());
for (int i = 0; i < origMessage.getAttachments().size(); i++) {
Attachment attachment = (Attachment) origMessage.getAttachments().get(i);

Firstly in the above code the attachment collection is empty (origMessage.getAttachments().size() = 0) when the email has an uuencoded attachment. Thus we are unable to extract the attachment.
See the sample .eml file attached.

Secondly, if we try to remove the attachments and save the email to a new file using the code below the new .eml file still contains the attachment and has the string “=2E” substituted for the fullstop character throughout the body text and even in the attachment name.

ByteArrayOutputStream stream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
origMessage.save(stream, MailMessageSaveType.getEmlFormat());

Any help you can give to solve this problem will be greatly appreciated.


Hi Chamindu,

Thank you very much for using Aspose.Email for Java.

I would like to request you to give a try to the latest Aspose.Email for Java 1.7.0 and let us know the results. If still problem persists, we will investigate the issue thoroughly and provide help as much as possible.

Best Regards


I have retested this against the latest library Aspose Email for java 1.7.0(aspose-email-1.7.0-jdk16.jar) and got the same results.


Hi Chamindu,

Thank you very much for using Aspose.Email for Java.

I have tried both the scenarios, and found the issue valid. I have raised a ticket NETWRKJAVA-33152 to my developer in the bug tracking system. As soon as some feedback is received, it will be notified to you.

Best Regards


I was wondering if there’s any update for this issue?
When do you think a fix can be expected?



Thank you for writing back.

I am afraid, the said issue is currently pending for analysis and is in the queue. Moreover, the ticket is scheduled for the fix in the upcoming release of Aspose.Email for Java v2.0.0. This version will be available for public use in the first quarter of August 2012.

We are sorry for your inconvenience.

Thanks for your reply.

Is the fix only available with the latest release?
Can it be provided for the version we are using if we have purchased the correct support option?



Thank you for writing back.

The fix will be included in next release of Aspose.Email for Java, and in order to avail the said fix you will have to upgrade to the next latest of Aspose.Email for Java.

If your license subscription has not expired yet then there will not a problem for you to use the next release. In case it has already expired then you need to upgrade your license subscription as well. Please contact Sales team in this case.

Please note, this is the company norm to provide the fix with the upcoming release versions of any Aspose component, and this policy is irrespective of Support Contract Type.

Hope this satisfies your inquiry.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as NETWRKJAVA-33152) have been fixed in this update.

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