Validation - get invalid data from a gridwebcell

If I set a validation rule, ex. number only.

1. user input “123” first which is a fine value

2. user input “abc” into the same gridweb cell.

3. I use "String value = gridwebsheet.getCells().get(row,col).getValue();"

4. value will return ‘123’ instead of ‘abc’…

but I want to get ‘abc’ for other custom function.

Are there any API to get the invalid value in the gridweb cell?
or any api can let me know that cell have invalid value?


Well, if you have applied data validation in the sheet and since “abc” violates the numeric validation set, so you cannot get the invalid cell value which might not be stored.
You may first make the validation off to get the cell’s string value:
Sample code:


Thank you.