Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'key') System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.FindValue

I am trying to convert PDF to SVG file but every single PDF I try I get the same error when calling the Save method. Here is the stack:
2023-07-05T21:17:51.260Z c4f9a188-b865-49a0-8f92-c4802a9ee5b0 info at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary2.FindValue(TKey key) at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary2.TryGetValue(TKey key, TValue& value)
at #=zgy_AhM4FwFgiuuIite5eP6e3O63mDT9pnw==.#=zREsVcf4=(#=zr6Z_7BA= #=zvANh05M=)
at #=z$5mF$54yN10EGY5efWwGT7o1oC$S2L172w==.#=zIz2huD_saJWP2.#=z5nx5_kXdRuet(#=zr6Z_7BA= #=zvANh05M=, #=z3nqIwgA=& #=zc6nNL3A=) at #=zv9DkyAzUBuhWbPJjmWkzITZrPqRpaORtmmxzqQc=.#=zAMcPU1ZVo5kL(#=zg6AKRCb$CKVyf4MdmaZt13dXK9F_ #=zAiA52cvNCqkC) at #=zBkLxzzasmOPjS9E1RfeNLhtwCvBle0dAeNWBy$9mePcG.#=zqigxvCV5U2yX() at #=zBkLxzzasmOPjS9E1RfeNLhtwCvBle0dAeNWBy$9mePcG.#=zg_0jiks=() at #=zYAHirs1pfoRGWySci3uzzvM056vzfEHgVsTpm0TyDXvX.#=zm0Cpfl4=(#=zYGDZ$rhe4Ua0ezEMN8datUFC58cY #=zn5FluYA=, #=zAVT_PM5qsUpKqNbRjkZoSjABKnWHeYeXiA== #=zqm6DKRg=, #=z41PQwlAXVF3C4xYRZatHFfdl_JysbDnqc0WyBc0nGAOP #=zkcgOsl0=) at #=zE1ySM7SVG35k3XQW3Ck_oV7d_9FQu51K2g==.#=zrjjnohU=(Int32 #=zNEYeNnU=, IList1 #=z93f1Uwsvgh1YvakGeQ==, #=zh1R9bKF46b5e #=z8pZAxYw=)
at #=zE1ySM7SVG35k3XQW3Ck_oV7d_9FQu51K2g==.#=zm0Cpfl4=()
at #=zhs9d_Pq8rUNhT48dXcLIpVg3XAWd.#=zcRRjP9F6hGrH(Document #=zn5FluYA=, #=z41PQwlAXVF3C4xYRZatHFfdl_JysbDnqc0WyBc0nGAOP& #=zq51fJdci2K3e7sXIoA==, UnifiedSaveOptions #=zXhVl28g=, Int32& #=zvUj4_D7AXB8l, Boolean #=zmTAWoV8=)
at #=znQySupZIL2u4XxyYv5xqQFGQpeII.#=zKRaoO4gez803(Document #=zeEbG3BUMwoUl, String #=zeFWPThDus4wv, Stream #=zYkaUiQk=, SvgSaveOptions #=zXhVl28g=)
at Aspose.Pdf.Document.#=zp0nLFuDb7z1v(String #=zeFWPThDus4wv, SaveOptions #=zXhVl28g=)
at Aspose.Pdf.Document.Save(String outputFileName, SaveOptions options)
I am currently on Aspose.PDF 23.6.0

Please attach a pdf document with which this happens.

d50ba6a7-be10-4914-bd0a-a22776e501b5 (1).pdf (1.6 MB)

This was one of the files. Some more information:
The files work on my windows machine, but they all fail on the linux environment. I dont have that gdip or whatever library installed on the linux environment nor do I have the windows fonts installed there. Are they required?

It’s good that you mentioned Linux now.
in this case, you should use the Aspose.Pdf.Drawing library (so that there are no problems with gdi + in particular) and yes - you need to load the package with MS fonts.
See also the information here How to Install Aspose.PDF for .NET|Aspose.PDF for .NET (in the end) and give it a try.
If it still doesn’t work, write here.