Values were not pasted as values when with PasteType.Values option


In MS Excel, in order to replace formulas with its values, we can copy the cells and paste it to the original range as values.

However, I found that when using PasteType.Values option in Aspose, sometimes the values were not properly copied as values.


var workbook = new Workbook(@".\test.xlsx");
var worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];
var fromRange = worksheet.Cells.CreateRange(0, 0, 500, 40);
var toRange = worksheet.Cells.CreateRange(0, 0, 1, 1);
toRange.Copy(fromRange, new PasteOptions() { PasteType = PasteType.Values }); // values were pasted as formulas
var toRange2 = worksheet.Cells.CreateRange(522, 0, 1, 1);
toRange2.Copy(fromRange, new PasteOptions() { PasteType = PasteType.Values }); // values were properly pasted as values

In the code, if the toRange is the original range, the values were still pasted as formulas. It seemed that the PasteType.Values in Aspose only works when the toRange is out of the fromRange.

But in MS Excel, it doesn’t have the issue. Values are always properly pasted over as values if we use paste - values option.

I’ve attached the test files and a screenshot for your reference. Could you please help us take a look? (35.0 KB)
image.png (53.0 KB)


We have observed this issue and logged it in our database for further investigation. You will be notified here once any update is ready for sharing.

This issue is logged as:
CELLSNET-48051 - PasteType.Values works only when pasted at other than the source range

The issues you have found earlier (filed as CELLSNET-48051) have been fixed in this update. This message was posted using Bugs notification tool by simon.zhao