VB .NET Demos

I notice the demos that come with aspose.email are c#. Do you have an vb .net demos?

Sorry we did not have vb.net code but we will have later.

As a workaround, would you please try the following C#2VB conversion program:


I’m using the following code for one stmp server that requires validation, unless the problem with coding translations, is working fine

Dim msg As Aspose.Email.Message

Dim lic As New License


msg = New Aspose.Email.Message

msg.From = New Aspose.Email.Address(“sourceemail@somewhere.com”)

msg.ReplyTo = New Aspose.Email.Address(“sourceemail@somewhere.com”)

msg.AddAddress(New Aspose.Email.Address(“dest<a target=”_blank" title=“mailtoBig Smileestemail@somewhere.com” href=“mailtoBig Smileestemail@somewhere.com”>email@somewhere.com"), Aspose.Email.Address.Type.To)

msg.Subject = “Mail subject”

msg.MailPriority = Message.Priority.Highest ’ You can change this

msg.Date = DateTime.Now

msg.Confirmation = False

msg.AllowRefusedAddresses = True

Dim x As String

x = “” ’ Here you put the message

Dim htmlBody As Aspose.Email.TextHtmlBody

htmlBody = New Aspose.Email.TextHtmlBody

htmlBody.Content = x

htmlBody.Charset = “UTF-8”

Dim altBody As Aspose.Email.AlternativeBody

altBody = New Aspose.Email.AlternativeBody


msg.Body = altBody

msg.Send(New SmtpAccount(“smtp.server”, 25, “server user”, “password”), New ProgressMonitor)