VCardSaveOptions can be used when saving both VCardContact and MapiContact?
Since contact can be saved only using ContactSaveFormat or VCardSaveOptions, how to set VCardSaveOptions.SaveFormat to any of its values?
However, when using VCardSaveOptions, contacts are always saved as utf-8.
So please kindly consider adding VCardSaveOptions.Encoding property so users can set encoding.
Dim MyContact As New MapiContact
set properties…
Please advise how to set MyContact.XMailer?
Even this won’t work:
MyContact.Headers.Set(“X-Mailer”, “blah”)
Thank you 
I have added a new investigation and enhancement ticket for this requests.
Issue ID(s): EMAILNET-40987
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Thanks, please also kindly add this note: Why LoadAsMultiple doesn’t have an overload without encoding, just like its single Load equivalent?
Because according to your support, in case we don’t know the encoding, we should use the non-encoding overload so Aspose detects its encoding automatically!
Added note to the ticket.
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Hello, please kindly advise if there’s a way to load some vcf files and save them as a single multi contact?
No idea if reading multiple vcf files with different versions and save them in a single vcf file will be ok or not… Thanks 
You can load single vcfs in a loop, save to stream and append a byte array to the file.
using (var multipleVcfStream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Append))
foreach (singleVcard = VCardContact.Load(fileName))
using (var singleVcfStream = new MemoryStream())
singleVcard.Save(singleVcfStream, saveOptions);
var singleVcfBytes = singleVcfStream.ToArray();
multipleVcfStream.Write(singleVcfBytes, 0, singleVcfBytes.Length);