Version 2.1.4- 2.2.0 - Table.DeleteRow() Bug - does not delete rows correctly

Table.DeleteRow() worked correctly in version 2.1.3 but does not delete
rows correctly as of 2.1.4 and 2.2.0. My input file for this
example, “table.ppt”, has a single table with 2 columns and 3
rows. The second row (row 1) merges both columns.

In version 2.1.3, calling DeleteRow(2) to delete row 2 correctly removes the last row of the table.

Calling table.DeleteRow(1) to delete the center, merged row, also correctly removes the whole row.

However in version 2.1.4 and 2.2.0, calling DeleteRow(2) removes bottom
border and the border between the two columns, but leaves the left and
right borders for the last row of the table. Also, the shape no
longer is recognized by PowerPoint as a Table.

Calling table.DeleteRow(1) to delete the center, merged row does not
remove the row. Instead it appears to unmerged row 1 columns and
merges column 1 or Row 1 and Row 2. Also, the shape no longer is
recognized by PowerPoint as a Table.

Presentation pres = new Presentation(@“C:\table.ppt”);

Slide slide = pres.Slides[0];

foreach (Shape shape in slide.Shapes)


if (shape is Table)


Table table = (Table)shape;


// table.DeleteRow(1);



I have attached a single PPT that demonstrates the various problems since it looks like I can only attach one file.



Dear Chris,

Thank you. There is a problem with automatic table resizing.

Please use 2.1.3 for a while. We will fix it asap.