Vertical Text in DOC is converted to Horizontal Text while converting DOC to PDF

When we convert the .doc to .pdf with the help of save method in com.aspose.words.Document the vertical text in the word doc is messing up and converting it to horizontal instead of vertical in the resulting pdf.

The word document has been created from the template and even the resulting doc looks ok but the problem arises when converting to pdf.

When we use latest jars: aspose-words-17.6-jdk16.jar and aspose.pdf-17.5.jar problem seems to be present but this was working fine in old versions (Aspose.Words.jdk15.jar and aspose-pdf-kit-4.3.0.jar). I upgraded to latest jar to overcome com.aspose.words.xs incompatible with com.aspose.words.tx issue (This issue will occur if the data starts with ‘(’ and while merging it used to throw this error) and that seems to be fine.


Thanks for contacting support.

Can you please share the input Word file, so that we can test the scenario in our environment. We are sorry for this incontinence.

Please note that if the file is greater than 3MB, you may consider uploading it to some free file sharer and provide the link in your reply.

Unfortunately I am not able to share the file, But you can reproduce on all the documents and here are the steps:

Open the Word 2010 Add the Text Box (Insert Tab -->Text) and draw the text box and make sure you have a rotating icon on this if not then it will work. Now observe you can see Drawing Tools on top of Format tab (If you see Text Box Tools then no issues and it will work fine). In the text box add some text and select the text box and click on Text Direction and select Rotate all text 90, this will convert the text to vertical and save it as .doc. Now convert this .doc to .pdf using save method in com.aspose.words.Document and you can see in PDF the text will be in horizontal way.


Thanks for sharing the details.

I have tested the scenario using Aspose.Words for Java 17.6 in Eclipse Juno project running over Windows 7 (x64) and I am unable to notice any issue when converting MS Word file to PDF format based on instructions specified above. For your reference, I have also attached the input and output PDF files generated over my end. (26.9 KB)


com.aspose.words.Document doc = new com.aspose.words.Document("c:/pdftest/WordsOutput.docx");"c:/pdftest/Converted.pdf", com.aspose.words.SaveFormat.PDF);

Thank You! I am not able to down load the zip file, can you please see if everything is correct.


Thanks for contacting support and sorry for the delayed response.

I have again uploaded the file over this link. Hopefully you will be able to download it and in case you still face any issue, please feel free to contact.