Vertical Text in Excel to PDF

Is vertical text in Excel cells translated correctly in the Excel 2 PDF translation?

No. Vertical text conversion is not supported yet. We will check this with Pdf team and implement it in the future release.

Aspose.Excel has become obsolete now and is no more available. It is replaced by a more advanced version Aspose.Cells that contains all the latest features of different versions of MS Excel. You can now rotate the text to render it vertically in Excel as well as in PDF. Here is an example that demonstrates this feature:

Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
Worksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];
Cell cell = worksheet.Cells["A1"];
cell.Value = "Hello";
Style style = cell.GetStyle();
style.RotationAngle = 90;

The latest free trial version can be downloaded here:
Aspose.Cells for .NET (Latest Version)

Download a complete runnable solution here to test a variety of features of this product.