Aspose (88.1 KB)
We have found that when a OneNote document that contains a table with multiple layers of tables nested inside of the parent table, the performance is seriously degraded with each added level.
I created four simple OneNote documents with simple tables that are nested 4, 5, 6, and 7 times. Running the Aspose library in a C# console application,
I found that it took a much greater time to open the document with each added nested table layer.
I have also included a worksheet that shows that the 4 data points appear to trend exponentially. After the 6th level nest, the code appears to “freeze” when opening a simple (but highly nested ) OneNote document. I realize that this is “only” 4 points, but it is indicative of a rapid degradation of performance.
The file included contains the following files.
The 4 OneNote files:
The code for the C# Console Application and an image of the result:
- CSharpTestCode.cs
- ConsoleOneNoteNestedTableRun.PNG
An Excel spreadsheet that contains the results.
- OneNotedNestedTable.xlsx
We would like to know if this behavior is expected or if there is a way for Aspose to improve the performance we are seeing.
Thank you,
Christopher McDonald