

the following method presents, how to grab the pictures out of my presentation and save them to files:

SiPresentation.getInstance().getPictures().getPictureById(i).write(new FileOutputStream(new File("\" + SiPresentation.getInstance().getPictures().getPictureById() + “.jpg”)));

but what I want to know is how I can grab Videos out of my presentation?!


Dear fent111,

Thanks for considering Aspose.Slides for Java.

PowerPoint does not embed movie, it always embed a link to it. So you cannot get a movie, you can get only its file name/path.

The code below iterates all the shapes on first slide and print the path of the movie if there is any.

public static void getMoviePath() throws Exception {
    String srcPPTFile = "c:\\srcPres.ppt";

    //Create presentation from existing presentation
    Presentation srcPres = new Presentation(new FileInputStream(new File(srcPPTFile)));

    //Get reference to first slide
    Slide srcSld = srcPres.getSlideByPosition(1);

    //Get the shapes and its count on the slide
    Shapes shps = srcSld.getShapes();
    int shpsCount = shps.size();

    //Iterate all shapes
    for (int i = 0; i < shpsCount; i++) {
        //Get ith shape from Shapes
        com.aspose.slides.Shape shp = shps.get(i);

        //if shape type is videoframe then print the file name of the video
        if (shp instanceof com.aspose.slides.VideoFrame) {
            VideoFrame vf = (VideoFrame) shp;