Viewing an Image + selecting text in an Desktop app

Hello, i am looking for an piece of code to view an image like the Youtube attached.
I want to display an A4 picture of an invoice etc.
On that image i want to place text so my customer can select the text for usage.
The Youtube movie is for an webinterface, build in Java i geuss, but i want something for an desktop interface for C# or C++

Can i build that with an Aspose module, like zooming the picture, rotate it (45 degres etc. enough) and overlaying it with the pieces of text to select them ?



Aspose.OCR is a backend API which you can use in the code behind. It does not offer any controls to view and perform multiple operations on the image. However, we have logged an investigation ticket as OCRNET-820 in our issue management system to explore the possibility. We will look into it and let you know as soon as the ticket is resolved. Please be patient and spare us some time.