Visio - Create Connector between nodes in Python

I am trying to link two objects in Visio using a connector, and am using Python. Is it possible to do this programmatically? I can create a connector object, but it does not automatically connect to the objects when the Visio is generated.


Please use “connectShapesViaConnector” to connect two shapes
If you are using aspose.diagram for Python via .NET, please refer to the following code.

If you are using aspose.diagram for Python via Java, please refer to the following code.
page.connectShapesViaConnector(shapeIdRec, ConnectionPointPlace.CENTER, shapeIdStar, ConnectionPointPlace.CENTER, shapeIdConnector)


Thank you very much. I was trying to use the Java code (connectShapesViaConnector) and kept getting an error that said no such attribute existed. Using connect_shapes_via_connector worked.

Yes, connect_shapes_via_connector is a method in the aspose.diagram for python via net library
If needed, please refer to the following document:
