Visio with Word table formating issue after saving to HTML


I have a Visio document with Word table inserted. After I save that document as HTML the table formatting looks bad. The issue does not occur when I save that document using MS Visio.

Here’s a sample project: (67.3 KB)

To reproduce the issue:

  1. Run the attached project
  2. Choose destination folder and click the button
  3. In the destination folder you will find a file visio.html. Open it and you should see that the table from Word looks wrong. Like this:
    screen1.png (12.1 KB)

Result from MS Visio generated HTML:
screen2.png (10.9 KB)

If you need more info, please let me know.

We have opened the following new ticket(s) in our internal issue tracking system and will deliver their fixes according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.

Issue ID(s): DIAGRAMNET-53398

You can obtain Paid Support Services if you need support on a priority basis, along with the direct access to our Paid Support management team.

Since the dpi of the emf image in the original file is set to 600, it will become blurry if placed in a small area. Please set the dpi to a slightly larger value that does not exceed the size limit of the bitmap.

        Aspose.Diagram.Saving.HTMLSaveOptions o = new Aspose.Diagram.Saving.HTMLSaveOptions();
        o.Resolution = 300;

Thanks for the suggestion. I checked it and indeed it makes the table sharp.
However, it also changes the size of the whole generated image (it makes it much bigger) and this is not what we want.
The ideal situation would be to have the result exact the same as MS Visio generates.

We apologize for not having found a solution to this problem yet.
We will continue to delve deeper into our research and try other approaches to resolve this issue.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.