Visual control for createing editing document

do you have this control?


Thanks for your interest in Aspose.Words. Aspose.Words is a class library for processing Word documents programmatically, it does not provide user interface for editing your documents.

Best regards,

Thanks for quick answer. Do you have other some control with user interface for working with document?


Thanks for your inquiry. We do not have such controls at all. There are a lot of good products on the market which provide user interface for editing documents, like “TX Text Control”, “Subsystems TE”, “Text Dynamics”, “Rad Editor”. Also there are some web-based editors like Buzzword, Google Docs.

Also if you just need Word document editor you can use OpenOffice, which is free.

Best regards,

thanks, i’l research this products. Can i edit documant using your control. for example change text. i found method GetText which return text but not found set text.


Thanks for your inquiry. Using the classes of the Aspose.Words DOM, you can get detailed programmatic access to document elements and formatting. Please see the following link to learn more about Aspose.Words Document Object Model (DOM) and its relationships.

Please follow the link to learn how to insert elements into the document:

Best regards,

Sorry for my perseverance. i can access to document elements and then formating or removing it or add new elemnts. but i can’t editing some text in this elements. am i right?

You can easily edit all what you would like, using Aspose.Words. Please see the following link to learn more about Aspose.Words features:

Best regards,

i’m very sorry. i see

Access, create, modify and remove paragraphs and text.

i open Aspose.Words in Object browser in visual studio and can’t find method whith setter text. only getters(( - thisi inserting new but not updating text.

for example i load document. i get Node, get text from it

pleas show me how can i change this text.

Thanks for your inquiry. Just remove or add new text in this place. That’s all.

Please see the following simple code:

// Create empty Document and DocuemntBuilder

Document doc = new Document();

DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

// Write something

builder.Writeln(“Hello World”);

// Save document“C:\Temp\out.doc”);

Document doc = new Document(“C:\Temp\out.doc”);

DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);


// Add text after “Hello World”

builder.Writeln(“New Text”);

// Save document


Best regards,

well. lets i describe my task:
create editor for modify word, excel, power point documents without using engine ms office.
is it way to create such editor using your .net component. our firm will by your component. or may be you show some firm wich by your component and create such editor. we wil by your component and editor.
now as i understend, your component work with dom model of document and i can’t see way to create editor.

Aspose.Words works only with Word document formats, e.g. DOC, DOCX, RTF etc.

Of course you can create your own user interface for editing documents and use Aspose.Words in underline level, but I think it will require a lot of efforts from your end.

Best regards,